
New Questions About the Death of Jim Morrison

The singer of the band The Doors, Jim Morrison, may not have died while in his bathtub.

The former manager of the nightclub Rock and Roll Circus, Sam Bernett, has written a book which reveals that the well-known singer actually died in a toilet stall in a Paris bar in 1971 of a heroin overdose.

According to the author, two drug dealers transported Morrison’s dead body to his apartment, placed it in his bathtub and tried to revive him, but to no avail.

Despite the new information that is being revealed in the book "The End: Jim Morrison", Paris authorities do not plan to re-investigate the singer’s death.

The story comes in contrast to that of Morrison’s girlfriend, Pamela Courson.  According to Courson, the two had seen a film that evening, and went to bed.  During the night, Morrison became ill and took a bath.  Courson said that she awoke in the morning and found him dead in the tub.