
New Research on Alcoholic Beverages

Drinks ordered from a bar or restaurant could contain a lot more alcohol than we originally believed.

While many people believe that consuming one alcoholic drink in an hour will not make their blood alcohol level go over the legal limit, MedlinePlus reveals a new study that found that bartenders are putting a lot more alcohol in drinks than people think.
Investigators visited 80 Californian bars and restaurants last year, and discovered that the typical servings of wine or cocktails exceeded 50% of the standard volume. This signifies that if people are trying to be reasonable by following recommendations and drinking one glass of alcohol per hour, their alcohol levels may be higher than they assumed.
Dwight Heath, an anthropology professor at Brown University, said that his study "points out a dirty little secret of alcohol research: The definition of ‘standard drink’ is inaccurate and out-of-date."