
New Rufus Wainwright album

The new Rufus Wainwright album will be available in stores on April 5.

Rufus Wainwright is putting the finishing touches on his next album All Days Are Nights: Songs For Lulu, being released April 5. He is also mourning the death of his mother who died a while back from cancer.

It’s been about a month since Wainwright lost his mother, internationally renowned musician Kate McGarrigle. She lost her battle with cancer on January 18. The musician was very close to his mom and brings a heavy heart into the studio.

The album’s direction is unclear at the moment. There are some titles in French, others are sonnets. One song is named after his sister while one is addressed to New York.

Here’s a list of songs that Wainwright says will be on his new album, All Days Are Nights: Songs For Lulu :

1.     Who Are You New York?
2.     Sad With What I Have
3.     Martha
4.     Give Me What I Want and Give It To Me Now!
5.     True Loves
6.     Sonnet 43
7.     Sonnet 20
8.     Sonnet 10
9.     The Dream
10.   What Would I Ever Do With A Rose?
11.   Les Feux D’artifice T’appellent
12.   Zebulon