
New single from Moby

Lie Down In Darkness will be released August 10.

The original version and several remixes of Lie Down In Darkness, the new track from Moby’s tenth album Destroyed, will be released next month, reports Music News.

The heavily-layered, blues-inspired single has been reworked by several respected leaders in the electronic music scene, including Photek, Michael Mayer and Paul Van Dyke.

Moby – who’d recently joined forces with advertising firm, Saatchi & Saatchi – also announced the winner of his ‘Hello, future’ filmmaking contest. Contest winner, Vancouver film school graduate Alberto Gomez, created the winning clip for the Destroyed track entitled After.

Destroyed was released on May 13 of this year and heavily promoted through Moby’s official website. A photography book of the same name was released in conjunction with the album.