
Niall Horan used golf to escape pressures of One Direction

Niall Horan says he and Harry Styles used golf to escape from the pressures of One Direction.

Niall Horan used golf to escape from the pressures of One Direction.

The 22-year-old singer is a keen golfer, even recently setting up his own player management firm, and Niall admitted he and bandmate Harry Styles loved playing the game while on the road with 1D as it allowed them to get away from everything and relax.

He told Today’s Golfer magazine: "Well, I’ve got into it more over the past four or five years and appreciate it more. When I was on the road with One Direction it allowed me to escape the hotel for a few hours and relax. Harry and I used to play a fair bit and travelling so much has allowed me to play some amazing courses all over the world. It’s a great way to escape from everything for a few hours."

And Niall admitted he is a complete "anorak" when it comes to golf statistics.

He explained: "I love it. I’m obsessed with it to be honest. I have a massive passion for it and I play quite a lot – most of the time at The Grove [in Hertfordshire] which is convenient because it’s just 20 minutes from my home. It’s a good challenging course and they look after me really well down here, all the lads are sound. Plus it’s in great condition all the time, one of the best around.

"I watch an awful lot of golf on the TV. I love all the stats and when they break down swings. I can tell you who’s top in greens in regulation, driving distance and stuff like that. I’m a bit of an anorak, but I find it all very interesting."

Niall partnered with golfer Justin Rose and singer Justin Timberlake at Drive, Chip & Putt at the Augusta National earlier this year and revealed that the young, talented golfers helped to inspire his new business idea.

He said: "Along with Justin Rose and Justin Timberlake, I was involved with Drive, Chip & Putt at Augusta National this year and the quality of talent on show was unbelievable with seven to 15 year-old kids, among the best young golfers in the world, taking part. And this is why I wanted to get into golf management – when you see raw talent like that. That’s why I want to get into management and to catch them while they’re young because I want to be involved and at the forefront."

For more on Niall Horan and Justin Rose’s interview, go to