Nouvelles quotidiennes

Nice marketing campaign welcomes gay tourists

Historic French Riviera hopes to attract gay and lesbian travellers with rainbow campain.

Recognizing the above-average profitability of the gay tourist market, the French city of Nice has launched its campaign, ‘Nice, Gay Friendly,’ as an attempt to establish itself a premiere destination for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender or LGBT travellers.

An online brochure entitled Nice in Rainbow Colours lists all gay-friendly establishments, from hotels and nightclubs, to beaches and beauty salons, in an effort to woo this wealthy segment of global tourists, who typically spend 12 percent more than the average tourist. Many do not have children, which leaves them free to travel year-round without consideration for school schedules. Nice currently hosts two annual events: the In & Out film festival in April, and the Pink Parade in July.

Denis Zanon, the director of the Office of Tourism and Conventions, says the industry is finally waking up to the importance of catering to gay and lesbian clientele. However, he believes that many hotels and tourist service providers need to better train their staff to ensure that their LGBT customers feel comfortable.

At a recent seminar, Zanon emphasized the importance of hospitality staff and management in providing a high level of service to all guests, regardless of sexual orientation.

Nice is one of the oldest human settlements in the world. With a temperate climate and scenic coastline, it is the second-most visited city in France after Paris, receiving 4 million tourists every year.