
No arrivederci for George Clooney

Rumours that George Clooney is selling his Italian villa to the Beckhams just aren’t true.

Actor George Clooney denies rumours he is about to sell his villa on Lake Como in Laglio, Italy to David Beckham and his wife, Victoria.

A story started circulating that Beckham was negotiating to buy the property from the actor. It is worth $41.6 million US. The soccer star is back in Europe playing with soccer club AC Milan.

It went on to say that Clooney was looking to buy an island.

It is true that the British athlete fell in love with the area and Clooney’s villa. He was quoted in Italian media as saying, "I have fallen in love with the beautiful countryside. It’s peaceful, quiet and near Milan. It would be great for the family."

Laglio Mayor Roberto Pozzo was quoted saying he hoped they did move to the area.

George Clooney denies the story. He says it is completely made up. He states bluntly, "I am not buying an island and am not selling my house in Italy. The story was made up, then picked up and now denied."