
No concert tour for R.E.M.?

Rock band uncertain about touring to promote new album.

American rock band R.E.M. may not be going on tour to promote their new album, Collapse Into Now, which was released today (March 8), reports Spinner.

"We just toured, it seemed like, last week," said guitarist Peter Buck, in an interview with Beatweek, although the musician admitted it had actually been a few years since their last concert tour.

"It does seem like we’ve toured a lot in the last eight or ten years. To some degree it felt like we’d just been doing kind of the same thing we did last time. You just don’t really want to repeat yourself in that way."

Along with not wanting to keep doing the same thing repeatedly, Buck admitted that he wasn’t sure that touring would help improve sales of the new album.

"I’m not really sure that touring sells records. What sells records anymore? It seems like less and less people are buying albums, so do what you want."