
No Crüe Fest Next Year

The band Mötley Crüe is not planning on hosting Crüe Fest next year.

According to Billboard, Crüe Fest is a no-go for 2010. Last year, the festival was organized by members of Mötley Crüe, but for the meantime, they want to focus on recording their next album.

"We have about a month left (of this year’s Crüe Fest 2) and then we’re going to be taking quite a bit of time off," explained bassist Nikki Sixx.

"I feel like we’re ending being out for quite a long time, and really going away on a big high to start working on writing a new record and looking forward to the next Crue Fest, which’ll probably be in 2011," Sixx added.

However, he commented on a possibility of future Crüe Fests to be held without him and his bandmates. Sixx revealed, "There have been offers and from suggestions of other bands that were interesting in doing Crüe Fest if we didn’t do it."