
No link between ADHD meds and heart problems in kids

FDA study finds no increased risk to young people on Ritalin and other ADHD medications.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has found no significant link between the use of medications to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and cardiovascular problems in young people, reports Medical News Today.

As part of a massive study on the use of these medications, researchers looked at the records of over one million children and young adults between the ages of two and 24 years of age.

Combining the lifetimes of everyone included, the study comprised a total of 2.5 million years, including 400,000 person years of patients still on the medications today, and yet found reports of only seven serious cardiovascular issues in total.

The FDA recommends that patients and caregivers continue to use the prescribed medication as indicated by their doctor and speak to a healthcare professional if they have any questions.

Should someone on the medication experience any chest pain, fainting or shortness of breath, they should see a healthcare professional immediately. Suspected side effects should be reported to a doctor or through the FDA’s MedWatch program.

Photo credit: Arvind Balaraman/