
No Post-Partum Depression For Brooke Shields

Actress Brooke Shields, who recently gave birth to her second daughter, did not suffer from post-partum depression with this child as she did after her first pregnancy.

According to People magazine, the actress is happy to report that she is not having any problems with stress this time around.  Her daughter, Grier Hammond Henchy, arrived on April 18.  After the birth, Shields said that she did not need the anti-depressant Paxil, that she had taken after her first delivery.  She said, "I was like, ‘You know what? I think I’m okay now."

Nearly a month after leaving the hospital, Shields is finding a routine for her little family.  She added, "Now it just really feels like a full-on family."

Brooke Shields, 40, and her husband, Chris Henchy, 42, are also the parents of Rowan, 3.