
No-risk X-rays

A new technology changes the X-ray as we know it.

A new imaging system, EOS, can conduct an X-ray on the whole human body in seconds with a dramatic reduction in radiation exposure.

EOS is an ultra low dose 2D|3D digital X-ray system developed by biospace med. This company was founded in 1989 by Georges Charpak. He is the 1992 winner of the Nobel Prize for Physics for the invention of a high-energy physics gaseous particle detector.

Nine French institutions already possess an EOS workstation.

Another benefit not to be overlooked is the medical diagnosis can be more accurate because of the impressive image quality. Unlike traditional X-rays or scanners, it takes only 20 seconds for the system to photograph the entire body in 3D. The patient remains standing during the scan.

Radiation presents a cancer risk in the long term and is 10 times weaker in the EOS than in conventional radiology. It is 1000 times weaker than radiation emitted by the scanners.

The new EOS technology will be particularly beneficial to children whose bodies are more sensitive to radiation equipment.

Another positive impact of the EOS: it will be possible to eliminate waiting lists in future as the examination takes only 20 seconds.

Biospace med CEO Marie Meynadier, Ph.D., says, "With this latest FDA clearance, we are establishing the ultra-low-dose EOS imager and its 3D bone-modeling sterEOS workstation as standard of care in the imaging of both pediatric and adult populations for all orthopedic indications that require a true weight-bearing assessment to ensure the best possible treatment-planning."