
No Upcoming Album for Justin Timberlake

Justin Timberlake has no intentions of making a new solo album at the moment.

At the risk of disappointing several fans, Justin Timberlake says that he doesn’t plan on making a new album any time soon. His last album, FutureSex/LoveSounds, was released in 2006.

Timberlake is in no hurry to record and prefers to produce with other artists. "Right now, I like the idea that things can just kind of pop up and if they feel right I can do them. Committing to my own sort of project, that’s like, ‘Okay, let me block out two years of my life and do it,’" he explained to Entertainment Weekly.

The singer added that when he does get the urge to put out new material, he will do it, but now is not the time.