
No Wedding Plans for Mel Gibson

Marriage is not in the plans for Mel Gibson and his new girlfriend, Oksana Grigorieva.

In an interview with Britain’s GMTV show, Grigorieva revealed that marriage is not in her near future with Mel Gibson.

"Actually we have no plans to marry whatsoever. I haven’t thought about it – we haven’t spoken about it," she said.

The singer would rather focus on her pregnancy and delivering a healthy baby this December.  She shared that she is much calmer compared to when she was pregnant with her son 12 years ago, since she now knows what to expect.

Grigorieva is currently working hard on promoting her music, and being pregnant does not seem to be posing any problems.

Last April, Robyn Moore, Gibson’s wife of the past 30 years, filed for divorce after the new couple made their first public appearance.