Pets Files

Nobody likes going to the doctor

And nobody likes getting shots. So why should our pets be any different? But a visit to the vet doesn’t have to be traumatic. You can minimize your pet’s stress by taking proactive measures, especially while your pet is young.

Begin early

Routine procedures at the clinic will involve checking the ears, the mouth, and clipping nails. Frequently touch your pet’s paws, toes, and ears. Open his mouth, check his teeth, and rub his gums. Reinforce his co-operation with affection and training treats. When your pet is familiar with these practices, he’ll be more comfortable being handled by the vet.

I was just in the neighbourhood
Bring your pet by the vet’s for a friendly, 5-10 minute social visit. Teach them that there’s more to the clinic than scary vaccinations, temperature checks, and other ‘bad’ things.
Travel in style
Is the pet carrier a beacon of doom to your pet? Create a comfortable environment: add a blanket, a couple of toys and a sprinkling of catnip for your cat. Eliminate any associative fear by leaving the carrier out so your pet is familiar with it.
Get your pet used to car rides. Even a quick ride around the block helps reinforce that car rides can be a pleasant experience. Consider taking your pet along when running short errands – secured in either a carrier or a seat belt harness.
A tired dog is a good dog
Take your dog for a very long walk before his appointment. It helps release tension and allows the dog to relax. Walking your dog should also stimulate your dog to go potty so there’s less chance of an accident at the clinic.
Remain calm and be prepared
Animals sense what their owners feel. If you’re tense and nervous at the vet your feelings will transfer to your dog. Maintain a calm and assertive attitude your dog will very likely pick up on that and be more apt to behave.
It’s not social hour
At the clinic, keep your pet’s socializing to a minimum. Along with communicable diseases, other nervous pets may be aggressive and can create additional excitement or agitation. Influence your pet’s behaviour with calming gestures and soothing tones of encouragement.