
Noel Gallagher blesses baby

Noel Gallagher was asked by a Japanese fan to bless her unborn baby but he declined her request that he give the tot a name.

Noel Gallagher has blessed a fan’s unborn baby.

The ‘If I Had A Gun’ rocker – who has 11-year-old daughter Anais with ex-wife Meg Matthews and sons Donovan, four, and 15-month-old Sonny with current spouse Sara MacDonald – is midway through a string of tour dates and was left bemused by the request he received in Japan.

He explained on his blog: "Some girl comes up to me at the airport in Japan. She was pregnant. She says to me, ‘Can you touch my stomach and bless my baby?’ Sorry? ‘Please touch my stomach and bless my baby.’ Ok… there you go, kid… consider yourself blessed.

"Then she says… ‘Please can you name my baby?’ What? ‘Please name my baby.’ What now?? Right now?? ‘Yes please.’ Ok… Is it a boy or a girl? ‘Oh, I don’t know yet!!’ Jeez… Meet me half way, eh??(sic)"

The incident at the airport is not the first bizarre fan encounter Noel has had on his trip to Japan,

Earlier this week, the former Oasis guitarist revealed he was shocked to receive a marriage proposal during a concert, despite audiences in the country traditionally being quiet and respectful between songs,

He wrote: "Last night, what can only be described as a little girl, kept shouting out rather odd "statements". She sounded EXACTLY like my eldest young son which, in itself, was quite off-putting.

"And this is what she had to say, and the fact that she was saying it with a slightly creepy steely-eyed stare, made it all the more weird… get on this: ‘NOEL, I LOVE YOU!!’ (Fair enough… what’s not to love, eh?) ‘I LOVE YOU, EVEN WHEN I’M AT SCHOOL!!’ (Ok?) ‘CAN YOU KISS ME… PLEASE?’ (What, now? …Right now?) ‘NOEL, YOU ARE MY IDEAL MAN!!’ (Ideal man?) ‘CAN I MARRY YOU?’ (Erm… no.) (sic)"