
Noel Gallagher’s guitarist ambitions

Noel Gallagher would like to be "just a guitarist" again in the future even though he’s enjoying fronting his latest project, Noel Gallagher’s High Flying Birds.

Noel Gallagher would like to be "just a guitarist" again in the future.

The 44-year-old rocker – who quit Oasis in 2009 following an argument with brother and bandmate Liam – launched his solo project Noel Gallagher’s High Flying Birds last year and while he enjoys being a frontman, he isn’t sure if he wants to do it forever.

He said: "I thought I would hate me being the frontman and I have to say I thought people would expect more, but I haven’t got any moves.

"As much as I miss being in a band like Oasis, the compromise would be too much. Maybe I’ll just be the guitarist in a band one day."

Noel also says he only started his solo project because he was beginning to get on his wife Sara Macdonald’s nerves.

He said: "It was great until my then girlfriend, now wife, asked me after about 11 months what I was going to do. I said, ‘I suppose I could make album’ and she asked if that could be tomorrow. Women! It’s either: ‘You’re never here’ or ‘You’re always under my feet."