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North Korea opens luxury restaurant despite food shortage

Hong Kong developer opens ‘luxury’ restaurant despite the current food shortage.

The communist North Korean capital of Pyongyang is home to the new Restaurant at Hana, which, despite the chronic food shortage in the country, includes a spa, gym, and private banquet rooms, reports Agence France Presse.

The combination restaurant-spa was created through a partnership between North Korea’s Ministry of Culture and Hong Kong developer Phoenix Commercial ventures for the headquarters of Hana Electronics JVC, a DVD manufacturer.

The establishment is reportedly open to locals and tourists who can afford it. An official statement notes that “food is sourced from local markets,” although last month, footage shot by an undercover North Korean journalist and obtained by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, revealed the extent of the food crisis.

Although ABC no longer has the rights to the footage, a partial transcript and audio available on its website shows "young children caked in filth begging in markets, [and] pleading for scraps from compatriots who have nothing to give."

The new facility highlights the growing disparity between the rich and poor in the impoverished country.