
Obesity epidemic continues to expand

French government launches new guidelines to help control nation’s weight.

Concerned about the nation’s growing waistlines, the French government launched an official obesity plan this summer. Now the Haute Autorité de santé (French National Authority for Health) has published their own guidelines to help doctors and patients deal with the growing epidemic, reports Doctissimo.

An increasingly prevalent problem around the globe, France has seen its own obesity rates skyrocket by 70 percent over the last 12 years. While the French population still isn’t as large as some of the more problematic countries like the U.S., officials are concerned and have spearheaded these intervention programs to help citizens learn how to eat well and stay healthy.

According to the new guidelines published by HAS, two major goals are to detect problems earlier by comparing a child’s body mass index to an ideal weight curve, and to help people permanently change their eating and activity habits.

The experts warn against using medication and fad diets, recommending that patients work with their physicians to establish a balanced diet, regular physical activity and psychological support.