
Olive Oil Combats Alzheimer’s Disease

Olive oil may help in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease.

American researchers have shown that extra virgin olive oil contains a natural element that may help in the treatment of Alzheimer’s.

Olive oil is already known for its health benefits, including preventing cardiovascular disease, cancer, strengthening bones and reducing inflammation.

According to the results published in the Journal of Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, the antioxidant oleocanthal, responsible for the peppery oil taste, prevents cell damage that causes dementia.

This element prevents destruction of neuronal synapses in the hippocampus, an area of the brain involved in learning and memory. In Alzheimer’s, this is the first area affected by degradation.

Researchers have not yet established how much extra virgin olive oil is needed for protection against the disease, but the preliminary results may lead to new treatments. Extensive tests are now being carried out to obtain more conclusive results.