Nouvelles quotidiennes

One way to travel light in France

French nudist organizations launch website for tourists.

France, a European leader in offering customized vacations for nudists, has launched a new website to help naturists find destinations and resources for this burgeoning form of tourism, reports Routard.

The website was created by the French Federation of Naturism (la Fédération Française de Naturisme) to gather together information from five different nudist groups in one convenient location.

The site includes relevant links to naturist websites, and offers a comprehensive list of nudist beaches, campgrounds and tourism centers.

Naturist tourism is a fast-growing industry in France. The country boasts no fewer than 83 nudist centers, 30 campsites and 25 cottages, and welcomes about 2 million naturist tourists a year.

The website also contains an online interactive quiz to determine if you have the right mindset to enjoy and thrive in the naturist world. Quiz participants are also entered in a draw for a week-long stay.

According to the International Naturist Federation, June 2 is the World Day of Naturism.