
Orange Producers Benefit from H1N1

Orange producers can’t keep up with the worldwide demand for orange juice.  

The Globe and Mail reported that sales of orange juice reached a record high with the panic shown by influenza A (H1N1).  As a result, orange growers in Florida can not keep up speed to meet the high demand for juice.

The juices have flown off supermarket shelves at an unprecedented rate.  Usually, the flu season brings a boost to citrus growers, but this time they know it’s their best season in a very long time.

It is known that oranges contain vitamin C, so orange juice is one element of prevention against influenza, in addition to regular hand washing.

According to the Indian River Grower’s Association, which represents 1,000 producers of oranges in Florida, this surely compensates for the difficult year they have experienced due to the economic crisis.

It is not only orange growers who are making a killing from influenza A (H1N1). Pharmaceutical companies are benefiting from this period too, such as the company that produces the hand sanitizer Purell, the makers of Tylenol, distrubutors of thermometers and medical masks, etc.