
Orlando Bloom Is Not Ready

Actor Orlando Bloom is not yet ready to become a father.

Despite pressures from his wife, Kate Bosworth, who whishes to start a family very soon, the nice Will Turner (Pirates of the Caribbean) does not feel ready for such responsibility. Bosworth has even declared after the shooting of Superman Returns (2006): "I loved Australia. I would like to live there. I went there and thought, ‘I would love to raise children here.’"

However, Orlando Bloom does not yet share this vision; he is too preoccupied with enjoying being 29. "I can’t wait to have a family one day, but I still think of myself as a kid. I’m not in a hurry, I’m not ready for all that," he declared.

Kate, who is only 23, will have to be patient before her Legolas (The Lord of the Rings) gives her children. The couple will be seen in the drama Seasons of Dust, which should be out sometime in 2007.