
Ozzy Osbourne: Sharon kept me alive

Ozzy Osbourne believed he would have died from his addictions if it weren’t for the support of wife Sharon.

Ozzy Osbourne would have died without Sharon Osbourne.

The 65-year-old rocker has credited his wife for helping him turn his life around after battles with drug and alcohol addiction, admitting he probably wouldn’t have survived without her support.

Quizzed where he would be without Sharon, he said: ”Not here, that’s for sure. I probably should have died years ago but she just wouldn’t have it.”

The Black Sabbath star also opened up about his various addictions over the years, claiming his addiction to cigarettes was worse than taking drugs and alcohol.

He explained: ”I honestly do think that if they discovered tobacco today, then it would be right next to heroin. I mean, I haven’t smoked for quite a while now but it was one of the most addictive substances that I ever put in my body. Even if I had a cold, chest infection, pneumonia, I’d still smoke. It’s a miracle that I stopped.”

As well as getting clean, Ozzy has decided to overhaul his diet and is currently enjoying baked vegetables for his daily meals.

He told Q magazine: ”I’m on this baked vegetable diet right now. I’ve only been doing it for a week or two, so it’s not really a life-changing thing. I don’t have meat on a Friday, and pizza on a Wednesday, and all this. If I like something I’ll eat nothing but that for a month. Then I get sick and tired of it and I’ll eat something else.”