
Papaya found to have cancer-fighting properties

America researchers discover anti-cancer power of papaya tea. 

The humble papaya is gaining credibility in Western medicine for anti-cancer powers that folk cultures have recognized for generations.

University of Florida researcher Dr. Nam Dang, and colleagues in Japan have documented papaya’s dramatic anticancer effect against a broad range of lab-grown tumors, including cancers of the cervix, breast, liver, lung and pancreas.

The researchers used an extract made from dried papaya leaves, and the anticancer effects were stronger when cells received larger doses of the tea.

In a study published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology, Dang and his colleagues exposed 10 different types of cancer cell cultures to four strengths of papaya leaf extract and measured the effect after 24 hours. Papaya slowed the growth of tumors in all the cultures.

The success of the papaya extract in acting on cancer without toxicity is consistent with reports from indigenous populations in Australia and his native Vietnam, said Dang.

Papaya was shown to promote the production of Th1-type cytokines, important in the regulation of the immune system. For that reason, the study findings raise the possibility of future use of papaya extract components in immune-related conditions such as inflammation, autoimmune disease and some cancers.

Foremost among papaya’s health-promoting agents is papain, papaya’s signature enzyme, which is found in both the fruit and the leaves.

Researchers noted that their success with papaya extract using cell cultures must next be replicated in animal and human studies.