
Paris Hilton Arrested

Last night, star Paris Hilton was arrested for drinking and driving.

According to the Associated Press, Paris Hilton had been drinking and was arrested at around 12:30 am in Hollywood.  The young 25-year-old woman was driving her car in a reckless manner.  The police stopped her, and she was forced to do a routine test.

The level of alcohol in her blood was higher than the 0.08 per cent cutoff.  The blonde beauty needed to go to the police station where she was released a short time later.  Elliott Mintz, Hilton’s spokesperson, explained that her alcohol level was not significantly higher than the cutoff.  He defended his client, and argued that she was tired, and hadn’t eaten all day.

Heiress of the Hilton hotels, was driving her Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren, and was going home.  Nicky Hilton and her boyfriend, actor, Kevin Connelly and Mintz went to pick up Paris Hilton at the police station in Los Angeles.