
Paris Hilton Gets Back to the Party

Last Saturday (July 7), Paris Hilton returned to the party scene with her sister, Nicky.

The Hilton girls were having a good time at a Hollywood nightclub for the first time since Paris was released from prison on June 7.  The sisters were partying at the club Les Deux.

A witness said, "Paris was super happy and full of smiles. She was laughing, having fun, drinking, dancing, singing along to songs, talking to everyone and hugging all the girls at her table."

After being released from jail, Paris Hilton vowed to leave the party scene behind her.  She said, "I’ve been doing it for a long time. It’s fun… But that’s not what I care about as much anymore. Obviously I’ll still go out sometimes. I’m young and I like to be social, but I’m going to focus more on my work."