
Paris Hilton Strikes Back at John McCain

Heiress Paris Hilton has responded to American Presidential Candidate John McCain after he used her image in an advertisement.

A few days ago, Paris Hilton and Britney Spears were shown in an ad put together by Republican John McCain without their permission.  The ad was attacking McCain’s opponent, Barack Obama.

Hilton, 27, didn’t pass on her chance to get even with McCain, and posted her own public message on the Internet.

In the video, Hilton is shown sitting outside in a leopard-print bikini.  She thanks McCain for his obvious endorsement of her before taking her first shot, by saying, "I’m not from the olden days, and I’m not promising change like that other guy, I’m just hot."

"But then that wrinkly white haired guy used me in his campaign ad, which I guess means I’m running for president, so thanks for the endorsement white haired dude, and I want America to know, that I’m like, totally ready to lead."

Later in the video, Hilton talks about ways that she would deal with the energy crisis after reading a magazine article about where to get the best tan.  You can view Hilton’s ad by clicking here.