
Paris Hilton Takes the Next Step

Paris Hilton has introduced her parents to her boyfriend Doug Reinhardt’s mother.  

Yesterday (May 27) in New York, where she was being honoured for "Celebrity Fragrance of the Year" during the Fragrance Foundation’s FiFi Awards, Hilton introduced her parents, Rick and Kathy, to Kelly Roberts, Reinhardt’s mother.

"This is their first time meeting. I’ve been on many trips with his family. I love his mom and dad. They’re amazing…His mom flew all the way out here just for me because she wanted to see me receive this award," the star told E!Online.

Apparently, the meeting between the parents went very well. Hilton added, "My mom and her love each other. They’re so much alike, which is really cool."

However, marriage is not the next step for the couple, as Hilton does not currently have the time to plan such an event.