
Patrick Swayze Gets Good News

Patrick Swayze recently spoke about the state of his health.

Swayze shared good news with his fans when he revealed that he is responding well to treatment and is keeping busy living a normal life, reports People.

The actor took in a Lakers game over the weekend, spent time with friends, and went shopping for an anniversary gift for his wife.  The star revealed, "Thought I’d give you guys a little update. Lisa and I have been back and forth from New Mexico enjoying the arrival of spring and new baby calves. This past weekend, we spent a fun time with friends in Reno for Lisa’s birthday, where I took her jewelry shopping at Kenny G & Company and (we) were able to find her something really special and much deserved! In the meantime, I am continuing treatment at Stanford and the great news is I continue to respond well."

Swayze, 55, announced last March that he was suffering from pancreatic cancer.