
Pattie Mallette likes being a mother to Justin Bieber’s fans

Pattie Mallette took to Twitter today (06.17.14) to offer motherly words of wisdom to her son Justin Bieber’s fans.

Justin Bieber’s mother Pattie Mallette loves acting as mom to her son’s fans.

Pattie – who has over 3.2 million followers on Twitter – took to the social networking site today (06.17.14) to offers some words of wisdom to the ‘Boyfriend’ singer’s admirers, telling them to always ”let out” their emotions and bottle up their feelings.

She said: ”Leave it in the past they say, but you have to feel it to heal it & grieve it to leave it. #DontStuffYourPain #LetItOut #ScreamIfYouHaveTo

”When you stuff your pain it stays inside like poison even after years. Let it out you will feel so much better. #TearsAreLiquidPrayers (sic)”

After receiving grateful replies from numerous ‘Beliebers’, Pattie, 39, tweeted: ”I love it when you guys call me mom. I love you too!!! Hugs. (sic)”

Pattie may have been making a reference to her 20-year-old son Justin’s recent problems.

In recent weeks he has had to apologies for making racist jokes in two videos which were taken when he was a teenager.

After footage emerged of him joking about killing a ”n*****” and joining race-hate group the Ku Klux Klan, he released a statement saying: ”At the end of the day I just need to step up and own what I did. Facing my mistakes from years ago has been one of the hardest things I’ve ever dealt with.

”But I feel now that I need to take responsibility for those mistakes and not let them linger.”