
Paul McCartney Gets High Honours

Paul McCartney will be receiving a prestigious award for his contribution to pop music.

BBC News reports that McCartney will be crowned with the Gershwin Prize, the most prestigious pop music honour in America, on behalf of the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C.

The award, which was created in 2007, was first given to commemorate the lifetime achievement of American composers, brothers George and Ira Gershwin. Artists who are granted the award are those whose music has been comparably influential on popular music as that of the Gershwin brothers.

Last year, artists Paul Simon and Stevie Wonder were given the award.

The former Beatles member says that he is extremely honoured to be chosen, since he has been a huge fan of the work of Gershwin. McCartney will accept his award in spring 2010 during a ceremony to be held at the White House.

A tribute concert will take place with several artists performing, including McCartney.