
Paul McCartney ‘shocked’ to win 17th Grammy

Sir Paul McCartney was "shocked" to win his 17th Grammy Award for ‘Kisses on the Bottom’.

Sir Paul McCartney was "shocked" to win a Grammy for ‘Kisses on the Bottom’.

The 70-year-old former Beatles musician received the Best Traditional Pop Vocal Album award for ‘Kisses on the Bottom’, released last year, at the ceremony in Los Angeles on Sunday (11.02.13).

The trophy was his first Grammy for new material in 42 years and he was surprised to learn his 17th overall.

He told BBC Radio 6 Music: "It came as a big shock to me to know there were 17 to tell you the truth. I don’t keep count, I suppose that’s somewhat flash – people know my figures better than I do.

"I don’t think a lot of the best musicians in the world got Grammys, it only goes to select few, and so to be one of those for the 17th time is phenomenal.

Paul joked his success was down to not attending the event and images his fate would have been different had he been in the audience.

He mused: "We were watching it on telly, it was like ‘Oh yeah!’ You can imagine, the room [where we were watching it] went wild.

"The only way to win one is to not go. The minute you go and you’re sitting in the audience it’ll be ‘And the winner is … John Mayer’, and you do that face, and you smile and clap and go ‘how good humoured am I?’ "

Paul is currently working on a follow-up album to ‘Kisses on the Bottom’ at Air Studios in London and has recruited a number of collaborators, including producers Mark Ronson and Ethan Johns to work with him.

He added: "They’re cool people whose work I liked and of course, what’s happened is I like them all."