
Pee in fake perfume?

Fake perfumes could contain some unexpected ingredients that are bad for your health, including urine.

Daily News reports that fake fragrances may contain disgusting things like bacteria, antifreeze and even urine. These can be absorbed into the body along with other ingredients.

The senior vice-president and editor of Harper’s Bazaar sounded the alarm on ABC’s Good Morning America. She says, “You’re putting something on your face, on your neck, on your wrists. Those are sensitive parts of the body, so, to have active ingredients that could endanger your life is a very serious health risk.”

The mag exposed several counterfeit perfumes in a January article. It explained how British and Irish authorities detected urine in some seized perfumes. According to the report, urine is added to stabilize the ph level, and for its colour.

Consumers have to be very vigilant when selecting perfume. Counterfeit fragrances have popped up around the world, from street stands to shopping centres.