
Penelope Cruz Slams Teen Mags

Penelope Cruz has started a campaign against teen magazines.

The Vanilla Sky star, 32, is attacking the magazines for promoting unhealthy role models for young girls.  Cruz describes the influence that the magazines have as "horrific" and adds that she would shut them down if she had the chance.

Cruz explained, "I would close down all those teenage magazines that encourage young girls to diet. Who says that to be pretty you have to be thin? Some people look better thin and some people don’t. For example, I look better when I have three more kilos on me than I do now. The influence of those magazines on girls as young as 13 is horrific. At 13 you are still a child."

Penelope Cruz will star in the romantic drama Manolete later this year.  She will play Antonita "Lupe" Sino in the project, which has a budget of $15 million.