
Perfume inspired by Icelandic volcano

New line of perfumes inspired by Icelandic volcano eruption last year.

Famous Icelandic volcano Eyjafjöll made worldwide news when it erupted last spring, paralyzing European air traffic with clouds of ashy fumes. Now the volcano is in the news again, this time as the inspiration for a new line of perfume, reports

“When Eyjafjoell started erupting I suddenly got the idea to bring the power of Icelandic nature into people’s homes,” explains Icelandic designer Sigrun Lilja Gudjonsdottir, head of the company, Gydja Collection. That’s when “the idea of using water from the glacier as an ingredient for a perfume came about.”

The perfume, EFJ Eyjafjallajökull, made from Icelandic glacier water, is packaged in a square bottle with a lava rock attached. Available in Iceland in mid-November and shortly after, plans are to distribute it worldwide through airport duty free shops.

The designer used the letters EFJ “so that non-Icelanders can pronounce the name of their perfume,” she explained, adding that the full name of the glacier atop Eyjafjoell needed to be on the bottle since “I wanted the perfume to represent the strength of Icelandic nature.”