
Pet Shop Boys compose music for classical ballet

English duo take their dance music to a whole new level.    

Once kings of the 1980s dance clubs, English duo Pet Shop Boys have charted a whole new career path with their latest album – the British pop act has written the music for a new ballet.

Due out March 15, their album The Most Incredible Thing is based on the fairy tale by Danish writer Hans Christian Andersen published in 1870, five years before his death. It tells the story of a mythical king who promises his daughter’s hand in marriage and half of his kingdom to anyone who invents the most incredible thing.

Chris Lowe of Pet Shop Boys told Music-News : "This is a very exciting project to be part of. In the past we have written dance music so to write music for a ballet seems like a logical development. Also we have always been fascinated by giving our music a theatrical context."

No fewer than 29 songs can be found on the double CD recorded with the Wroclaw Score Orchestra. The ballet is scheduled to be performed at London’s Sadler’s Wells from March 17 to 26.