
Petition started to make Princess Leia an official Disney Princess

A ‘Star Wars’ fan has started a petition to get Carrie Fisher’s iconic character Princess Leia made into an official Disney Princess.

A petition has been started to make Carrie Fisher’s ‘Star Wars’ character an official Disney Princess.

The Hollywood icon tragically passed away at the age of 60 in December after falling ill on a flight from London to Los Angeles leaving fans of her intergalactic alter ego Princess Leia devastated.

Now, Cody Christensen – a father of five daughters – has set up the petition to get Leia granted Disney Princess status as the company now owns the rights to the ‘Star Wars’ franchise and has the power to bestow the honor upon Leia.

The petition reads: "After the tragic loss of Carrie Fisher, we feel that it is only fitting for Disney to do away with the rule that an official Disney princess must be animated and make Leia a full-fledged princess. This would be a wonderful way to remember Carrie and a welcoming to one of Disney’s new properties that is beloved by millions."

The petition also calls for a "full ceremony" to be held that would induct Princess Leia into the ranks of Disney Princesses – which include the likes of Cinderella, Snow White and ‘Beauty and the Beast’s Belle – as well as a "service in memory" of the late icon who brought the character to life.

The petition continues: "What we are asking is that the Walt Disney Corporation hold a full ceremony inducting Leia as the newest Disney princess as well as a special service in memory of Carrie Fisher."

The petition addressed to Disney CEO Bob Iger was set up last week and has already gained over 50,000 of its 75,000 required signatures.

Explaining his motivation for his campaign, Christensen told "I started the petition because it was something that bugged me since Disney bought the property. Disney had princesses and Leia was a princess.

"Then I found out that Disney had set rules for who could and couldn’t be a princess. With Carrie’s death, I think that it’s time to change the rules. I actually have five daughters and there are constantly princess movies playing in the background. We are big fans of the current Princess line-up, but I think that Leia is a really strong, positive, awesome role model for my girls, and she would make a great addition."