
Pink Floyd is a package deal

Pink Floyd is suing its record label, EMI.

According to The Guardian, Pink Floyd is back together. David Gilmour, Nick Mason, Roger Waters and Bob Klose have reunited to sue their record label, EMI.

A Pink Floyd contract dating back to 1999 states that the group’s songs cannot be "unbundled" or sold individually from the albums on which they appear.

However, EMI is offering all Pink Floyd songs on iTunes, along with full albums. EMI argues that the clause only applies to physical CD or DVD releases.

Pink Floyd members were not present at the first hearing looking into this legal squabble. Their lawyer, Robert Howe, argued that "Pink Floyd [are] well-known for performing seamless pieces. Many of the songs blend into each other."

He went on to say that the 1999 contract "expressly prohibits" the selling of songs out of context.

EMI lawyer Elizabeth Jones fired back, saying, "In 1999, when [the contract] was negotiated, iTunes didn’t even exist."

Pink Floyd has been with EMI since the start. All of their albums have been released on this label. Dark Side of the Moon is one of the all-time bestselling albums.