
Pink: I almost lost my voice due to smoking

American singer Pink has confessed her love of cigarettes almost ruined her music career.

Pink’s love of cigarettes almost ruined her career.

The 37-year-old singer-songwriter is one of the top-earning artists in the world, but has revealed her smoking habit almost brought her music career to a premature end.

The American star – whose real name is Alecia Moore – admitted: "I almost lost my voice from smoking cigarettes.

"A very very dear friend of mine, Billy Mann, that I write songs with sat me down one day and said: ‘You have a choice to make, babe.’

"And I was like: ‘It’s really getting that bad is it?’"

Pink subsequently kicked her unhealthy habit and conceded it’s made a dramatic difference to her singing voice.

The ‘Just Like a Pill’ hitmaker’s explained how her sound was transformed by her decision to quit smoking cigarettes.

Speaking to KIIS FM’s ‘Kyle And Jackie O Show’, Pink quipped: "I went from sounding like a Golden Girl to sounding like Alvin and the Chipmunks!"

Pink has developed various unhealthy habits over the years, including dabbling with ecstasy, crystal meth and acid during her teens.

However, the music star decided to quit drugs after nearly overdosing in a nightclub at age of just 15.

Recalling the dramatic incident, she previously said: "It wasn’t to the point of going to the hospital, but I remember getting up off the floor in the morning – and that was the last time I ever touched a drug again.

"It was also the day a DJ offered to let me sing on hip-hop night. His only caveat was that I couldn’t do drugs, so I didn’t."

And the singer said that once she’d made up her mind to quit drugs, she’s never been tempted to return to them.

Pink shared: "That’s the thing with me – once I make up my mind, I’m done."