
Plan B admires Justin Timberlake

Plan B admires Justin Timberlake for the way he has turned his career around from being in a manufactured pop band to a credible artist.

Plan B admires Justin Timberlake.

The ‘iLL Manors’ rapper has respect for the elder singer because he has come from manufactured boy band *Nsync to prove his talents as a solo artist and actor.

He told "I see other artists putting their names to complete bull***t, manufactured kind of pop music and then they want to come and be real afterwards.

"Well cool, they can try, but I’m not sure the worlds gonna have it.

"There’s one person I think that’s really gotten away with that: Justin Timberlake. He comes out in a pop band making s**t music and he’s managed to show the world that he’s really talented.

"He’s kind of got that integrity, but that’s him. I don’t think there are many other people with the power to do that."

Plan – real name Ben Drew – takes a different approach to his own career, presenting his albums from the perspective of different characters, so he can change styles as he chooses.

Referring to the main character in his soul pop record, ‘The Defamation of Strickland Banks’, he added: "That’s why I created Strickland Banks, because I understand the need to want to do different styles of music. Buy you’ve got to put some thought into the rest of your career, like ‘What happens after this album, what happens when you want to go and do this?’

"And I feel that by creating Strickland Banks I’ve created a fictional character that allowed me to be an actor within the music world.

"When Christian Bale is doing Batman: he’s doing Batman, but after Batman he can do any film he wants ’cause he’s an actor, that’s what he does. I try to do that with my music."