
Pollutants accelerate puberty

Chemical pollutants accelerate puberty and expose young girls to breast cancer more quickly.

Chemical pollutants found in everyday items like shower curtains and food cans are accelerating the onset of puberty in young girls. This situation is very worrisome to doctors.

An American study of 1,100 girls aged eight and nine showed the presence of three classes of chemical pollutant products in their urine. These pollutants are present in the environment and include phenols, phthalates and phytoestrogens.

They remain in the body for several years and are stored in adipose tissue. This causes very rapid development in girls and a very early puberty at the age of eight.

Doctors are worried about this situation and say it has serious consequences, especially in the long term. As girls developed earlier, they face an increased risk of breast cancer, and at a younger age as well.

These pollutants have also been found to increase the risk of other cancers.