
Prankster Remixes Paris Hilton’s New Album

English fans were certainly surprised when they opened Paris Hilton’s new album, Paris which had been tampered.

According to the Presse Canadienne, an artist for the company Bansky, did a remix of Hilton’s original album, and managed to get them on the shelves.  The music was remixed by someone referred to as MD, and there was a photo of the star topless.

Stickers were placed on the outside of the CD with questions such as "Why am I famous?"   

Spokesperson for Bansky, Jo Brooks, indicated that 500 copies were infiltrated in the British market, and in stores such as HMV.  The company is trying to get their hands on all of the tampered CDs.

Brooks also indicated that the CDs were altered very discretely, and may resemble the authentic CD.  A buyer needs to examine the CD very closely. Bansky operates in London, Paris and New York.