
Predicting lifespan

Some genetic variations help determine whether a person will live to a ripe old age.

Factors like lifestyle and genes affect longevity. For the first time, researchers at Boston University have identified genetic variations that can predict human longevity with an accuracy rate of around 77%.

According to Science magazine, researcher Paula Sebastiani and colleagues compared the genomes of 1,000 centenarians. They found that older people have multiple genetic variations that play an important role in their survival.

After analyzing these genomes, the research team built a unique genetic profile that includes 150 variations that will predict with reasonable accuracy whether a person has superior longevity.

In addition, researchers found that 45% of those who were more than 110 years old had a genetic signature that contains a larger number of variations associated with longevity.

In Canada, there are an estimated 5,000 centenarians right now and this number is expected to rise. The average life expectancy is normally 80-85 years.