
Pregnancy is safe after breast cancer

Women who survive breast cancer can have kids without worrying about the disease returning.

A new study unveiled at the European Breast Cancer Conference in Barcelona had some good news for women who survive breast cancer. The study found that they can get pregnant without triggering a recurrence of the disease.

A team at the Jules Bordet Institute in Belgium observed 19,400 breast cancer survivors. 1,400 of the women were pregnant. They were no more likely to die than those who expected no children. Instead, researchers found that those pregnant were 42% less likely to die than the 18,000 other women who did not expect the arrival of the stork.

There is no greater risk of recurrence of the disease either, and regardless of the waiting period between disease and pregnancy. While some doctors suggest their patients wait two to five years before becoming a mother, the study shows that there is no risk, even if the baby is born a year after recovery.

Study author Dr. Hatem Azim explains why survivors who get pregnant actually reduce their risk of the disease coming back. He said,  "Although the female hormone oestrogen, which is boosted during pregnancy, is linked with the disease, very high levels actually inhibit the production of breast cancer cells."