
Pregnant…and Still Smoking

Despite being seven months pregnant, Nicole Richie has not stopped smoking.

The star of television’s The Simple Life, who is expecting her first child, seems unable to kick her bad habit.  Richie has been spotted several times in the past few weeks lighting up.

A source who saw the future mother with a cigarette in her hand, told the New York Post, "I saw Nicole come out of DaSilvano with a girlfriend and a middle aged lady. She looked around at the outdoor tables, like she was checking to see who was there, and then lit up.They drove off in a black Cadillac Escalade and Nicole was still smoking."

A few days later, the 26 year-old woman was again seen smoking with her fiance, Joel Madden, when leaving the restaurant Nobu.

Rumours are suggesting that the couple, who haven’t announced the sex of their unborn child, are awaiting a son.