
Prevent chronic pain with soy

Scientists are looking at ways to prevent chronic pain with soy.

Researchers have already found that soy reduced pain in rats. This time, a team from McGill University in Montreal is trying to find ways to use this food to prevent chronic pain, a condition that can know no cure once it starts.

Scientists have noticed that the effects to prevent pain were spectacular when they subjected the rats to a soy diet. Initial results were so difficult to believe that the team conducted more tests and the findings were even better.

Soy could become an option different from traditional treatments, morphine in particular.

However, before encouraging people to adopt a soy diet, a large-scale study on humans is necessary. For the next three years, the research team will evaluate this particular option on the chronic pain experienced by women after breast cancer surgery.

Experts expect to find a reduction of nearly 50% in the suffering experienced by these patients.