
Prince Albert pays tribute to mother

Prince Albert of Monaco has paid tribute to his late mother, Princess Grace, in a new video to accompany an exhibition about her life.

Prince Albert of Monaco has paid tribute to his late mother.

The royal attended a new exhibition about Princess Grace’s life in Pennsylvania, US, with his wife, Princess Charlene, and says he is pleased with how it portrays her.

Princess Grace was a US movie star in the 50s before marrying Prince Rainier III of Monaco in 1956, whom she lived with until her tragic death in a car accident in 1982.

Albert says in a video to be shown at the exhibition: ”I’m deeply touched by your interest in my mother and her rich legacy.

”Most of the world knows my mother first as a Hollywood film actress, then as the princess of Monaco.

”She was indeed a beautiful and talented woman and a fashion icon but that is just the surface of her life.”

Albert also highlights some of the charitable activities Princess Grace engaged in once she had left for Europe.

He says: ”She left a successful Hollywood acting career to pursue her heart. During her lifetime, she became a United Nations advocate for children and an international spokesperson for arts and culture.

”She also established an enduring legacy as president of the Monaco Red Cross and through the Princess Grace Foundation.”

Finishing his tribute, Albert adds: ”Those of us who were fortunate enough to know my mother, her family and friends, knew her to be a genuine, warm and loving woman. A woman who always put her family first.

”I hope that through experiencing this exhibition, you will be able to get a glimpse of the real Grace Kelly, the woman beyond the icon, my mother.”