
Prince Daniel opens up about kidney transplant

Sweden’s Prince Daniel has spoken out about his kidney transplant to encourage other people to donate organs.

Sweden’s Prince Daniel has spoken out about his kidney transplant.

The royal – who married Crown Princess Victoria in 2010 – admitted he wasn’t previously comfortable talking about the procedure but wants to encourage other people to donate organs.

He told the Swedish magazine Dagens Industri: ”I didn’t think it was much fun to discuss it. It was something that felt private. But I recently came to see that I need to be able to contribute in any way I can. If you are willing to receive a donated organ, either for yourself or for a relative, then you must be willing to donate yourself.”

Daniel’s father donated a kidney to his son and the prince said he saw immediate results.

He explained: ”When the kidneys aren’t working properly, the blood becomes poisoned. Just a few hours after the transplant, I felt so clean and clear, it was amazing.”

Daniel and his wife – who he met when he was her personal trainer- welcomed a daughter Princess Estelle in 2012 and Victoria is currently pregnant with their second child.