
Prince Harry and Cressida best party guests

Britain’s Prince Harry and girlfriend Cressida are among the most sought after party guests, according to a new poll.

Britain’s Prince Harry and girlfriend Cressida Bonas are among the most sought after party guests, according to a new poll.

The young couple came second in a list compiled by researchers at Tatler magazine, who discovered most people would rather invite the pair over the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.

The flame-haired prince and blonde beauty, 25, who have been dating on/off for 18 months and were only beaten by the American ambassador to Great Britain and his wife, Matthew and Brooke Barzun, who made the top spot.

Others featuring in the list include model Cara Delevingne, One Direction hunk Harry Styles and the Prime Minister and his wife, David and Samantha Cameron.

Loved-up Harry and Cressida were last spotted on a date night at The Ivy in London on Monday (03.03.14) accompanied by Cressida’s brother-in-law, Sam Branson, who married her half-sister Isabella Calthorpe last year.

The prince was photographed wearing a baseball hat and navy fleece walking ahead of his girlfriend who wore an all a black outfit and had her hair in waves.

The full list includes:

1. Matthew and Brooke Barzun

2. Prince Harry and Cressida Bonas

3. David and Samantha Cameron

4. Cara Delevingne

5. Josh Berger

6. Sir Charles and Lady Dunstone

7. Michael Gove and Sarah Vine

8. The Countess and Earl of Mornington

9. Dasha Zhukova

10. Harry Styles